Many of us start writing as hobby or for earning money. People who write for earning money are struggling in their early days. As these people don't know how to maximize their earnings. All I can say is that you don't lose your hope in your writing ability.
Many people just copy the contents from others blog and paste on their website or blog, which is strictly not allowed. Copying contents will ban them from sponsors like Adsense and many other advertising programs. If you write consistently you will notice that your income will rise gradually and will keep earning the royalty of those articles for many years or may be for lifetime.
Many people also takes a bread from writing. And there are several reasons for that. Some of these reasons can be:
They think they have published enough articles.
They suffer from some injury, that is their health is not well.
They don't have enough time to spend on writing.
They don't have any topic to write.
They don't have enough audience or platform to prove their writing skills.
Whatever the reason may be, but my suggestion would be that you whatever you do, just do it with your 100 percent dedication. If you don't enjoy writing anymore then you are not going to give your heart in it and this will not produce a good content. So its better to follow your heart and work on something else.
May be if you want a little break from writing then you should just take a vacation before you start your next article or your next project. So after taking your break start your writing again with small amount of time daily or regularly (like one hour daily or three hours a week). I don't think everyone will spend more than 8 hours daily for writing. So instead make your time table according to your will and set your goals.
First of all you should think of what you are going to write. That is be clear with your topic and think about all the specification that you want to include in your content. There are many topics that you can choose from like Insurance, Health topics like Cancer, Mesothelioma, and you can also search on internet and select your favorite topic. Here is some of the topics which may interest you:
Sports, Politics, Mobile phones, Cameras, Social Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Orkut, Flickr, YouTube, Blogger, or on Computer Languages or on any new technology.
I have got the above list from one of my friend, he gave me this list and told me if I can write some rich content on these topics then it will make me earn a lot of money. But I think it isn't necessary that you have choose from these topics. You can write on whatever you want, you just have to be good with your content.
And after you have decided the subject of your writing then start writing just the main points about that subject and then elaborate it in detail. And after elaborating it try to check that you didn't make any grammatical or any other mistake in your content. If you follow these steps, I am sure you will achieve a huge success and you will also be able to earn more and more with your sponsors.